
Contact Details

HomeAuckland Team

Auckland Team:

Karena - 021 611 277

Kelly -  027 686 4416  


7/47 Shelly Beach Rd, 

 St Marys Bay, 

 Auckland 1011


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I found the Beginning Experience weekend really, really helpful in coping with and recovering from my divorce. The structure of the programme is excellent because you hear honesty and emotion from real people who have experienced pain similar to yours who are running the weekend.  There is time to individually reflect and then, if you wish, to reflect in a small, safe group where the people are welcoming and non-judgmental   I’m not religious, however I found the location at the friary to be soooo peaceful.  I have 3 kids and work fairly long hours, so having a weekend just to stop and work on healing yourself was invaluable.  I didn't leave with any ‘instant’ answers, I left with an understanding of what I was going through and the skills to heal and cope.  Unexpectedly I also left feeling my life had been enriched, I’d grown emotionally and had some fun along the way!  Since then I have recommended the weekend to my friends and acquaintances that are separated, divorced or widowed.  Thank you to the excellent, dedicated team of volunteers.                                         Steve, New Zealand. 

They are impressed with our support

I had divorced and Beginning Experience sounded like a way to regain my self-image. I found just what I needed - the hope that I could recover and start my life again.
It had been two years since my husband's death. I saw a notice in my church bulletin and decided to try it. I needed healing and this was where I found it.
Three years after my husband's death, I thought I was coping pretty well. I was so wrong. Beginning Experience changed me into a much happier person.
As a widow of 7 years, I was skeptical about going to Beginning Experience. I felt no one would understand my pain. The weekend literally saved my life. I found the peace I so longed for.