WEEKEND DATE FOR THIS YEAR is 6th - 9th September 2024.
The Weekend Program is open to any person, anywhere in the Country, of any religion or of no religion.
At present Auckland is the only venue where it is held.
It begins on Friday evening and ends Sunday afternoon.
The cost for the weekend is $350 which includes Accommodation for 2 nights, all meals, plus course materials and a follow up Reunion meeting.
A deposit of $100 is necessary to reserve your place on the Weekend.
There is a discount to $325 for early bird payment if made 6 weeks in advance. .
The Weekends are held in Auckland. There are also contact people in Northland
If you want to inquire about booking or more information please contact us.
Click here to download an application form for the Weekend Program (in PDF format).
Download our brochure (PDF format)