Grief resolution for divorced, separated or widowed
The purpose of Beginning Experience is to help divorced, separated and widowed men, women and children of divorce, parental separation and death to heal the grief of their loss, to help them with the suffering of their separation so they can once again love themselves, others and God. These individuals, in turn, offer a better quality of life to all those with whom they come in contact.Through our programs we help to facilitate the resolution of grief. These programs start with our Weekend Progamme which allows grieving persons focus on their experience and emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning.
As part of the Beginning Experience community on going facilitation is available to continue to assist those who want more help in moving forward.The volunteer facilitators in the Beginning Experience are "wounded healers" - specially trained men and women who are themselves widowed, separated or divorced, but are further along in the grieving process.It is an invitation process that is intended to facilitate the resolution of grief, promote healing and thereby free people to live and love again.
We look forward to assisting you or someone you know through the process of resolving grief and achieving a better quality of life, contact us now to discuss how we can help.